Meet our amazing team.

We’re a talented group of creative individuals interested in art, cinematography, design, music, and all niches in between. We also are well networked in our community and have a diverse list of freelancers to call upon if your project needs more support.

Josh Burdick
Josh Burdick Founder & CEO
Josh founded Veritas Media in 2011. His passions are storytelling, cycling, running and learning about Whatcom County. When he’s not in the office you can find him tending to his chickens or riding his electric cargo bike around town with his wife and kids.
Lydia Linsner
Lydia LinsnerOffice Manager & Assoc. Producer
Lydia is passionate about communicating messages that matter. When she’s not working behind the scenes, you can find her out and about exploring the PNW.
Brandon VanBeek
Brandon VanBeekVideo Editor & Instructional Media Producer
Brandon loves how video encourages discovery and learning. When he’s not refining stories, and choosing which details serve the big picture, you’ll find him enjoying time with his wife and four kids.

Ready to solve problems with video?

Get a quote. Get your videos. Enjoy the results.